Saturday, August 24, 2013

Eggless Chocolate Chip Cookies

I didn't exactly roll some of these into a ball.
They are flatter than the other batch.
I was on a mission earlier for egg-less chocolate chip cookies. I just knew I wanted cookies. I am beginning to explore the whole "removing egg" from my diet due to possible allergy, so that kept me from consuming my Pillsbury cookie dough that is sitting idly in the fridge.

Thankfully, many have walked this road before me. It has been well traveled by many. They have experimented greatly. What do I have to gain? Good chocolate chip recipe minus the egg(s)! You gotta try it! <3 It's pretty good. In mine, I used less brown sugar (just a little bit less.. 1/3 versus 1/2) and used more chocolate chips. It wasn't planned out or anything. It just happened.

I accidentally began to burn the first batch, but the amazing thing: they still taste good. This is what I am looking for: good chocolate chip cookies where the chocolate chips literally melt and make a beautiful display of a good treat.  I probably haven't made any fresh cookies in a while. If I sound deprived, that is probably why.

The recipe: Egg-less Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe
Go try it!!

As opposed to past batches of cookies I have made, these were full size cookies ;). Mine are safely tucked away in a bowl. Ideally, I would wait until they have cooled to put them away. A sneaky 3 year old with gluten hands stopped that. So, they can just stick together--not like it matters. I am the only one getting into the cookies. :)

What I might change: use less chocolate chips. There were way too many. I need to settle on a specific amount to use. The recipe didn't give a certain amount. Guess I thought there was more dough than there actually was. Then my chocolate chips have been affected by the heat, so some of it just looks like a melted Hershey's candy bar. Also with some adapting, I can make the cookies into a fructose friendly cookie. IE) using dextrose versus cane sugar to help with the brown sugar.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip CookiesIgnore the bad photography!
Adapted from Gluten Free on a Shoestring
Chocolate Chip Cookies.

I recently bought a new cooking book. The first one I have gotten from Gluten Free on a Shoestring, but I really am enjoying it. I have discovered Nicole's recipes and began trying them out, and there are some GOOD recipes that she has designed. It makes it so easy to bake something without a premade mix. I am not a good baker, but I can find easy things to whip up! In her first book (Gluten Free on a Shoestring: 125 Easy Recipes for Eating Well on the Cheap), I have found a couple recipes that I have already tried out. So far, I have made butter cookies as well as these delicious chocolate chip cookies. In her book, she lists her chocolate chip cookies as one of the recipes that are freezable for things like once a month cookie! YES!!

Here's the thing with these CC cookies though: I altered the recipe, just a bit. As I have been learning new recipes, I have been only making a fraction of the recipe... for two reasons: it's only me that eats gf. Also, it's alot cheaper. For these cookies, I had some configuring to do since I did not want to use up so much flour to try a new recipe (cookies or not!). I kept her directions for  the cookies, except for choosing to bag the dough and let it sit in the fridge before putting it on a baking pan. (I do not have room for a baking pan in my fridge) The dough was not exactly in the shape where I wanted to be molding it either. A bit to sticky and hard to shape.Much easier after it had been in the fridge.

My list:

1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon of "All Purpose" flour.
2 tablespoons of butter. (softened, I believe)
3 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of dark brown sugar
1 egg white
1/4 teaspoon of gluten free vanilla extract
A little over 1/4 teaspoon of xanthan gum (only one harder to configure)
1/8 teaspoon of salt
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda.
1/3 cup of milk chocolate chips

Again, I used all of her directions. All I really did was 1/4 the recipe and alter the sugar amounts to keep my tummy happy. Now honestly, I think the milk chocolate chips rather than semi-sweet made a difference in how good they taste. Texture-wise, they weren't what I preferred. They were really fluffy, not flat and crunchy. Still really good!

Directions to follow:

Set oven to 350 F.

1. In large bowl, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg, and the vanilla until well blended. Add the flour, X. gum, salt, and baking soda to the wet ingredients. Beat batter well until becomes thicker and a bit more elastic.

2. In small bowl, mix chocolate chips with a small amount of flour (well that's what I did...just enough to cover over the chips). Toss the chips to coat them. Stir chips in w/ cookie dough until its evenly distributed. Dough should be soft and thick.

3. Drop small balls of dough onto a baking pan (I used foil for cleaning purposes). Place baking sheets w/ cookie dough on them into the refrigerator to chill for about 15 minutes. Once the dough has chilled, place the baking sheets into the preheated oven and bake for 7-10 minutes (keep an eye on 'em, so they don't burn!). Cookies may seem to be undercooked. As long as the edges are beginning to brown and the cookies are lightly brown, they're done. They will firm up. Let them cool.